Jumaat, 28 Disember 2012

MUET Again





800/2 SPEAKING 25 FEBRUARY 2013 7:30 am 30 minutes
800/3 READING 9 MARCH 2013 8:00 am - 9:30 am 90 minutes
800/4 WRITING 9 MARCH 2013 10:00 am - 11:30 am 90 minutes
800/1 LISTENING 9 MARCH 2013 12:00 noon - 12:30 pm 30 minutes

Rabu, 26 Disember 2012



Hmm..bila ayat2 academic xleh masuk dalam cekera minda ni..aku pilih untuk tdo..he3 keputusannya banyak tido..huhu..kwn sebilik ckp kimah sem ni banyak tdo klu x leh study..aku diam x leh nak jwap apa2..bia la..

Dan..sekarang..aku sedang berjinak-jinak main game untuk rhat lpas sjam study..pas2 sambung balik..he3 aku jarang sangat main game..kwn sblik ckp..aaiik..sejak bila pandai nak main game ni..aku sengih je..kuikui..

Pembangunan Modal Insan..itulah subjek ke-4 yang aku study dalam fatrah study week ni..huhu baru abis baca 4 chapter dari 9 chapter..lpas smayang nati sambung plak..huhu

Hmmm..kadang-kadang..tanpa aku sedar kata2 berbau sindiran telah mencalar hatiku..huhu hanya sabar dan redha je la.. mengapa wujud cara sindiran untuk menegur??? itulah manusia..kalau dia ingat suatu hari nanti setiap kata-kata yang dikeluarkan pasti akan diuji..mesti dia pilih untuk tidak berbuat demikiankan???

Setiap manusia ada kelebihan dan keburukan masing2..tak perlulah kita mengata sesama sendiri..
Adakah kita dicop lemah andai tidak membalas setiap hunusan pedang ke arah kita???
 jwapannya TIDAK.. Aku ada baca buku Bahtera Penyelamat karya Fathi Yakan, beliau ada mejelaskan mengenai ini diakhir buku tersebut.

Tapi..aku juga ada membalas serangan tersebut apabila benteng sabar aku runtuh...huhu

Isnin, 24 Disember 2012


Alhamdulillah..selesai sudah buat e-nilai..n slip exam pun dah bleh print..

Alhamdulillah..bru habis study 3 subjek yang ringan secara general..he3 specific tidak lagi..berbeza sakan cara belajar aku sem ni..hu3

Masa......terus berlalu...akan tiba jua hari penentu kepada seorang pelajar..

Nasihat umi terpahat di hati..terngiang2 di telinga..

Ya Allah..mujahadahku mencari redhaMu
kukumpul motivasi dariMu melalui ibadahku kepadaMu..

Final Exam Slip

Code Course Group Date Time Duration Venue Table No.

ACM2113 PENULISAN MEDIA KREATIF KAC 08/01/2013 9:00AM 2 jam 0 minit STADIUM 99
AAM3063 ETIKA KERJA ISLAM KAA 08/01/2013 2:30PM 2 jam 0 minit STADIUM 348
AAM3073 PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN KAA 11/01/2013 3:00PM 2 jam 0 minit STADIUM 208
AAD3103 SOSIOLOGI DA'WAH KAA 16/01/2013 9:00AM 2 jam 30 minit STADIUM 239
AAD3193 PENGUCAPAN AWAM KAA 18/01/2013 9:00AM 2 jam 0 minit STADIUM 196
AAD3203 DA'WAH TATBIQI KAA 18/01/2013 3:00PM 2 jam 0 minit STADIUM 100   

Khamis, 20 Disember 2012

Jadual Final Exam

Bismillahir rahmaanir rahim.. Assalamualaikum..

Hari ini adalah second last lecture, dan hari ini adalah sampai pukul 1 je lecture...huhu

Final exam just around the corner. I need to manage time properly to do preparation. Hmm..hampir 2 minggu jgk aku cuti study week. tapi aku mengambil keputusan untuk tidak pulang bercuti.. dan umi pun bagi nasihat agar study di asrama..nati balik duk sibuk wat kije sapa xleh study gak..pyah pulak la..umi ckp g2..he3 xpelah..adikku dah balik minggu lpas n umi dah krim banyak mknan..krim puff, kek kladi n kek coklat, buah manggis, budu, kacang botol and timun batang..he3 tq umi kenduri sakan aku n kwan2 mkan nasi ngn ulam yang umi kirim.

kne cpat ni, jap lagi clas plak.

Di bawah adalah jadual final exam aku..sem 5..

SELASA         08/01/2013     09:00 AM
                                      ACM2113     PENULISAN MEDIA KREATIF 

                                                02:30 PM
                                      AAM3063     ETIKA KERJA ISLAM

JUMAAT     11/01/2013     03:00 PM
                                    AAM3073     PEMBANGUNAN MODAL INSAN

RABU         16/01/2013     09:00 AM
                                    AAD3103          SOSIOLOGI DA'WAH

JUMAAT     18/01/2013     09:00 AM
                                    AAD3193     PENGUCAPAN AWAM

                         03:00 PM
                                    AAD3203     DA'WAH TATBIQI

Selasa, 18 Disember 2012

Tak salahkan?

malam ni aku online guna wifi sebelah asrama..he3 nasib la jiran ngn hotel..he3 tapi hanya laoptop kwn aku ni sorang je dapat antara kami bertiga..xpe la..bleh tumpang jgk..he3

Hmm.. tajuk ari ni x salah kn? sebab jarang aku buat kije gni..he3 cip ciplak hasil kije org..xpe hasil kije kakak kesayangan aku je..kuikui.. nati print dan submit je la..

So..ia adalah....

He3...best jgk wat kije gni..tapi xbleh diamalkan selalu..

terdapat typing error..iaitu Kg PERUPOK, bkan KG.PERUOK..

Selasa, 11 Disember 2012

Need to do MUHASABAH

Hari berganti hari..aku perlu buat perubahan pada diri..bangkitlah wahai diriku.. Tidak ada yang dapat membantumu untuk berusha melainkan dirimu sendiri.. ALLAH suka akan usaha hambaNYA..

Masa masih ada..masih ada waktu untuk kau merubah menjadikan hari esok lebih baik dari sebelumnya..
in sya ALLAH..

Isnin, 10 Disember 2012

Hari Pertama, Minggu Kedua Terakhir Kuliah

Bismillahir rahmaanir rahim. Assalamualaikum..w.h.r.

Alhamdulillah..segala puji bagi Allah..selesai sudah tugas aku mengedit research proposal subjek sosiologi da'wah kumpulan aku. buat part masing2 and aku tukang edit. tak pelah..ilmu aku jgk yang dapat kan?So..esok dah bleh submit!

Hmm..hari ini, sbelum pkul 7 pagi, aku and laptopku telah berada di atas katil.he3 utk apa? untuk menjawab online quiz bagi subjek halaqah. Alhamdulillah..salah 2 dari 15 soalan.huhu. Majoriti kawan2 aku dapat 17-19 (setakat yang aku tahu) Hmm..subjek ni tidak mempunyai final exam, 70% dalam clas and 30% kuiz tadi. Entah bape la dapat dalam clas.

Sepatutnya hari ini aku present pengalaman program kat LD hari tu, tapi disebabkan oleh class cencel..terpaksalah tunda pada hari jumaat ni.huhu

Hari ini ada 1 clas tutorial je..12-1..yang lain cencel..huhu selepas itu  kembali ke Sutera Indah..he3 n masa yang ada buat kije(banyak dah masa aku bazirkan)

 Next job is perlu buat short note or mind map untuk discussion dalam tutorial esok, group aku dapat tajuk 14..hehe

So...continue next time plak..aku nak update blog untuk habiskan sisa hayat brodband ni..sebelum ia tamat pada esok hari..hehe..(genaplah esok 100 hari).


Sabtu, 8 Disember 2012

Individual Report: Program Bakti Siswa

Assalamualaikum.. Hmm..selepas siapkan slide presentation, rasa ada 'angin' nak update blog..huhu
aku nak post report prog time cuti mid sem hari 2.. rasa sdih plak ptg tadi bila Prof.Zul ckap hari ini adalah last kuliah untuk subjek Da'wah Tatbiqi. Banyak amanat dari beliau merangkap dekan fakulti aku..psal final exam..n prof juga ada beri peringatan  juga agar kami ready dengan tajuk tesis masing2 apabila buka sem 6 nanti..terlintas juga di fikiran aku ni, nak buat tesis yang ada kaitan dengan orang asli..tapi..huhu..tengok la dulu macam mana.. relax..hmm..yang penting fokus sem 5 ni dulu..hehe..

Di bawah adalah individual report based on program bakti siswa. (entah bape la dapat mark) menggunakan English yang semestinya banyak kesalahan grammar..huhu..almaklumlah..MUET still 2..huhu.. Terdapat banyak gambar2 semasa di sana..tapi tidak mendapat 'kelulusan' untuk dimasukkan di sini..hehe.......

At 28th October to 2nd November 2012, 52 students from Program Da’wah and Islamic Management, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Islamic Science University of Malaysia had done a Program Bakti Siswa at Langkap Dangi village, Jempol, Negeri Sembilan. The program was organized by third year students Program Da’wah and Islamic Management, Faculty of Leadership and Management, Islamic Science University of Malaysia, with collaboration Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (MAINS), Jabatan Hal Ehwal Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (JHEAINS), Jabatan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (JAKIM), Pertubuhan Kemajuan Islam Malaysia (PERKIM), Yayasan Dakwah Islam Malaysia (YADIM), Persatuan Orang Asli Malaysia and Jabatan Kemajuan Orang Asli (JAKOA).
At the program, had attended by  40 lectures and staffs from Faculty of Leadership and Management. The program participate by nearly 200 society of orang asli. The program officiated by Prof. Dr. Zulkifli Abd Ghani, Dean of Faculty of Leadership and Islamic Management and also as lecturer in Da’wah Tatbiqi subject.
The goal of this program is to develop students' Da'wah and Islamic Management program that is ahead, civic leadership and cultured high competitiveness to increase student leadership and skill in preaching, realizing philosophy, vision, mission and goals of Islamic Science University of Malaysia, to develop student knowledge, believe and do as well as the internationalization of the image and contribute to society.
They have six missions to achieve in the program, that to help Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan in do da’wah toward orang asli. They also want to  produce graduates capable of handling the leadership and organizational structure of the association. Apart from that, they want to create better links between fellow students and the wider community and strengthening interaction and bonding friendship relationship between students and the wider community.
They also promote student involvement in the form of family activities and social services to the community and the last is to work and practice all the theory and the sciences of Islam preaching and management concepts of the Quran and Sunnah in a more realistic manner through planned programs and proposed. During the program they use Menyemai Bakti Setia, Menjadi Tunggak Negara as the program’s theme.
            My adopted family consist four that have mother, father, a brother and a sister, but at the time my adopted brother not in the village because live at his wife village. In the family, I have friend which also adopted to the family name Nurul Hidayah Binti Ab Rahman.
            My adopt mother’s name is Baenah binti Pikau, 57 years old who is from Temuan race that from Negeri Sembilan and my adopt father’s name is Panjang Saidin Anak  Kulop Semunin, 59 years old who is from Semai race which come from orang asli at Perak. In addition, my adopted mother said, during they come to the village, they are second family in there and now have many family stay at the village. My beautiful adopt sister name’s is Ngah binti Panjang Saidin, 26 years old. Eventhough I cannot see and talking with my adopt brother but I still know his name, Ramli bin Panjang Saidin.
            My adopt father work as guard estate at Majlis Agama Islam Negeri Sembilan (MAINS)’s oil palm estate which near with the village. Every morning, after breakfast he will go at the estate by his love motorcycle and come back for take lunch at home and go at his work place until 7.00pm. Sometime he work from 7.00pm until 7.00am with present by his beloved wife at his side.
            My adopt mother as housewife and do a small bisness at home. Many of society at Langkap Dangi village come to their house to buy like sardin, milk, eggs and more. During at their home, I could see  my adopt mother do their bisness, she not mix the income with their own money and do a list of seals. I think its so conscientious job and I  impressed with them.
            At my adopt family's like to have pets. They have many of cats and dogs. One of their dog’s names is Cilok, the dog like to go everywhere they go and like to be as guard for them. At their house also have a squirrel in a cage. They get the squirrel from their neighbor and like to be as a pet at their home.
            During my friend and I come to the house, we had drank sarsi water make by my adopted mother. My adopted mother said, she like to eat and drink halal foods. She always makes and gives his husband Muslim co-workers to eat every raya celebration. She has no doubt to do that because they also like to eat halal foods. Thus, my friend and I also have no doubt to drink and use glass or plate at the house. I could saw my adopted mother happy when we drank the water and she said not all Malay comfort to drank and stay awhile at orang asli home. 
            During spent time with my adopted mother, I had to ask her about perception toward Malay. She said happily that she like to friend with Malay and most of Malay is kind people.  Furthermore, most of their customs close with Malay custom. For example, she had story about how to manage died people, it so close with Malay and Islam but the small different is they do not put cotton at died people’s nose. I am so surprised and I just could smile after hear that. Unfortunately, I not ask the question to my adopted father because of us always talking about other thing, but I believe that his perception is same with his wife.  
            At fourth day, I have chance to ask my adopted mother about her perception during all people play fun sports during evening.
 First question that I ask is what her perception toward Islam. I still remember her answer “Alhamdulillah, for me, I have no problem with Islam and most of my relative also convert to Islam”. I just smile and ask other question, how you’re relative wants to convert Islam? Then she answers briefly, they like and they get guidance to convert Islam.
She had said she and family is atheist, but they still believe and convince that just have the one God in the world. Unfortunately, she said how God will see and listen from us? That because God have many hand and ear to us. She had story about her believe that every practice in the world will have punishment after died. She said, “In grave have two angels there to asking question to died people. At the time, we cannot talk but our part of body will talk and answer question there”. I smile and said to her this entire have in Islam. Then she smile and said, I know and believe that from my relative.
I also had asking her about azan, she said that she have no problem with azan because she always hear the voice at radio and television. She had to add that she know Muslim should to pray five time every day.
Other than that, during we spent time together at Pekan Gemencheh, she had said at the past also have his adopted son asking them about Islam. But she cannot to accept and convert to Islam because of have no guidance and want my friend and me to study hard. I just hear and pray to ALLAH to give me chance to talking about this with her again.

Apart from that, during last night at there, I had asking her about Islam and have strength to explain about Islam to her. But her respond is frustrated for me. I had asking what are barrier she have to covert Islam. She answers that she loves her family, if she convert Islam she must separate with them. She said my adopted father strong believe with atheist. She also answers that, if she converts Islam, all her property will take by her others relative.  My friend and I try to give the best answer to her but she still said, “You are still youngest and you need to study hard. I have more time to convert Islam or not”. Thus we end our sharing about Islam at the night during eat tapiocas and grilled fish.
            At the program, we have does several activities to close and attract them convert Islam. The activities are such as adoption ceremony, video show, healthy day, creative arrangement, students’ motivation, sports and community sports, night art and more.
            The adoption ceremony, we do at first night that to introduce Da'wah and Islamic Management students to orang asli villagers. In this program students will be handed over to the villagers to serve as foster children throughout the program.
            At video show activity, we show video to all society that hope they will happy and easy to close with us. Moreover, we had shown a story entitle ‘Papadom’ to them.
            Healthy day is a day to do a health check carried out on a large scale which was also attended by the villagers and the participants. The activity is collaboration from network health offices Labu, Negeri Sembilan, to provide treatment and health care equipment.
            At third night 30th of November 2012, we do creative arrangement. A competition is held to the villagers creative composition competition, whether floral, used goods or towel. The competition will be judged by a judge. The participants who came first, second and third prizes will be given. Fortunately, my adopt family’s group get third prize.
During students’ motivation session, we separated to two categorized are parents and students. Motivation will be held for students of orang asli village school and parents. Motivation during this run a coloring competition will be conducted on the children to draw the attention of children to participate in activities.
Besides that, also have sports and community sports. There are a variety of sports programs that have been planned in any sport involve all participants and whether indigenous peoples of the children, mothers and fathers. Among the planned sports are football, sepak takraw, pull sheaths, tie legs with balloons, looking for treasure, pinball flour, ball poisonous  
Throughout night art, will be performing arts of the participants and the secretariat (students) which will be accompanied society population. Among the performances will be held as antiphonal performances, poetry and poem reverberate.
For the period of the program, I like to attend all the program thus I can get close with my adopt family. We had spent much time together such as eating together and do work together. Because of we close, at fifth day, they invite me to go at Pekan Gemencheh with them by their car. I so happy to go there and there had buy scarf as present for me. Other than that, my adopt mother also buy some junk food and we eat there while talking each other. She said if they do not feel close with me, they never will invite me to go out with them.
 For the duration of the program, my adopted family feels comfort close and with me in general. Furthermore, in specific of the program, they satisfied and like with activities that we had do at the village. For example, my adopted sister said the past program do not have many activities like our program.
 Furthermore, I pleased that I also feel close and comfort to interact with them. I can talk and asking questions about numerous aspect such as about Islam, their custom, family, and more. I learned that I must respect to others and must have no discrimination among non-Muslim especially to orang asli. I realized that I have many weaknesses but I still can be the best daughter for them. Unfortunately, I feel frustrated because I cannot answer what are they misconception about Islam as I mention before. That because of not have enough time and I felt cannot give the best answer for them. I relearned that I must have more knowledge than before to do da’wah practiced next time.  
            Based the program, I think we succeed to achieve our aim that students need to close with orang asli although have no convert to Islam and do practiced da’wah toward them. I discovered that I can do the practiced da’wah at there and may be better in next time.

Bicara Khalifah